
Let's Take a Look Into my Brain

I'll probs scatter in older dreams I've had, so this won't be super chronological.

12-19-23: I have multiple alarms, so I can only really remember the last dream I had...I'm also typing this while at work so it's not as fresh anymore. A good chunk of the dream was actually about me working on my website lol I was showing my neice how it looked and I remember more gifs had been added to the chaos page, but I think they appeared on their own after I added the gif of the dancing stick figure. I also came up with an idea of making a page where people could make their own flower bouquet. There would be different types of flowers lined up on the page and they could be dragged and dropped off to the side to create the bouquet...kind of like those dress up doll games. I think it's a super cool idea, but I already have no clue what I'm doing with building this site so I wouldn't be able to do it on my own :c In another portion of my dream, I remember my family was trying to watch a movie that I didn't care much for. I don't recall what it was about anymore, guess I should have written it down when it was fresh on my mind. That's about all for last night, hopefully tonight will bring about interesting dreams.
12/21/23: Don't remember anything super exciting from last night's dream. It's not cause I'm typing this out at almost 6pm either lol. Since I woke up all I could really remember was that I was running through a park. There was a guy selling flowers as well, so my flower shop idea is def still on my mind. We'll see how much I can recall/dream tomorrow since I won't have to wake up super early.
12/22/23: Last night's dreams were definitely more...interesting. I remember one of them being very gory, where different body parts were being chopped up. I think there was a hand and a jaw? Thankfully, it didn't feel like a nightmare, my dreams rarely do. At most it was a bit creepy.
Another portion of a dream from last night that I remember well also wasn't the nicest. There was a dog with a serious eye infection. It didn't look terrible at first, but didn't look good either and it only got worse as the dream went on. I remember telling my mom that I was going to take him to a vet cause I didn't want him to go blind in that eye, which had grown to form a lump. At some point, the dog changed form to look like a boy...a very thin, frail, and flat boy. I was trying to get him up to walk because he was very weak I wasn't able to get him to the vet before beanman and chorizo woke me up.
I had a bonus dream because I woke up and then fell back asleep. A lot was going on so it's very hard to describe, but I know I was trying to get or make a mangonada at some point and I woke up wanting one.
12/14/2023: As you can see from the date, I had this dream a couple weeks back, but I randomly remembered it just now. It was one that definitely felt very real. I found myself outside of the space center and don't fully remember if I was trying to find a way inside or if I was just exploring, but at one point I was walking through a hallway that had a space capsule that people could view and take pictures in. I think the hallway just took me back to the entrance of the space center, because that's where most of my dream took place. There was a spongebob exhibit taking place and I ended up going through it twice. The first time I went through it, all the lights were on and it was just a room with "spongebob decorations" but I think the only spongebob thing about it all were the little flowers lol. The second time I went through it, it was dark and it seemed like it was meant to be a haunted house experience. As we walked through the room it slowly turned into more of an antique store with the way the layout was and how there were a lot of random objects just laying about. I know we made it out again and the exit wasn't far from the entrance. I don't recall the way the dream ended, but I know I was hanging out outside of the space center and talking to the attendant in the booth.
12/31/2023: A lot happened in my dream...but a good chunk of it was about work :/
1/1/2024: Started off the New Year having fun with friends and my brain decided to keep it going. It wasn't that fun tho lol In my dream I owned this little, roofless, green sedan and I had just hopped into it as I was about to leave my friend's place. Another friend of mine called me back into the house to tell me about an anime or game and in that time, someone else had somehow driven their suv over my poor little car. I was distressed about the situation and how I was going to drive back home, as well as how my friend could have just messaged me instead of having me go into the house. We somehow did end up getting the car situation taken care of and I think I ended up being the one to drop off someone else.

what do you dream about?

dreams are one way your brain organizes your experiences

complex dreams tend to occur around 10 minutes after REM sleep

I can easily sleep over 10 hours at a time